Internal Regulations

Chapter I

Section I

General provisions

Article 1 – Name, scope and purposes

Article 2 – Classification and category

Article 3 – Capacity

Article 4 – Period of operation

Article 5 – Reception and inspection times

Article 6 – Security

Article 7 – Campers’ responsibilities

Article 8 – General booking conditions

Article 9 – Changes to reservations

Article 10 – Interruption or shortening of stay

Article 11 – Consequences of canceling reservations

Article 12 – Family stays in accommodation

Article 13 – Personality of reservations

Article 14 – Group reservations

Section II

General rules of use

Article 15 – Period of silence

Article 16 – Camping pitches and free camping areas

Article 17 – Occupation of camping pitches and free camping areas

Article 18 – Specific accommodation conditions

Article 19 – Occupation and cleaning of accommodation

Section III

Admission to the park

Article 20 – Admission to the park

Article 21 – Admission requirements

Article 22 – Visits

Article 23 – Admission of minors

Section IV

Conditions of use

Article 24 – User registration

Article 25 – Park entry and exit control sheets

Article 26 – Admission of animals

Article 27 – Entry, circulation and parking of vehicles

Article 28 – Refusal or ban on registration

Article 29 – Check-in and check-out

Article 30 – Price of services

Article 31 – Payment conditions

Article 32 – Check-out – procedures and responsibilities

Article 33 – Keeping unoccupied equipment

Article 34 – Conditions

Chapter II

Section I

Users’ rights and duties

Article 35 – Users’ rights

Article 36 – Duties of users

Section II


Article 37 – Special prohibitions

Section III


Article 38 – Responsibility of owners

Chapter III

Section I


Article 39 – Electricity connection and supply

Article 40 – Situations not allowed

Section II


Article 41 -Responsibilities

Section III

Use of gas

Article 42 – Gas

Chapter IV

Section I

Found objects and abandoned material

Article 43 – Found objects

Article 44 – Abandoned material

Section II

Removal, payment of costs and loss of material

Article 45 – Removal and deposit of abandoned material

Article 46 – Loss of equipment

Chapter V

Section I

Equipment for common use

Article 47 – Installation and services

Article 48 – Reception and Concierge

Article 49 – Minimarket

Article 50 – Barbecues

Article 51 – Dishwashers and laundry tanks

Article 52 – Laundry

Article 53 – Sanitary facilities

Article 54 – Solid waste containers and ecopoints

Article 55 – Rescue or triage station

Article 56 – Children’s playground

Article 57 – Playing field

Article 58 – Service station for caravans and motorhomes

Article 59 – Restaurant

Article 60 – Swimming pool

Section II

Park staff

Article 61 – Competence of officials

Chapter VI

Section I

Facility conditions

Article 62 – General conditions

Section II

Civil liability insurance

Article 63 – Insurance

Chapter VII

Miscellaneous provisions

Article 64 – Refusal to stay in the park

Article 65 – Omitted cases


Camping Costa do Vizir

Costa do Vizir” campsite



Considering Decree-Law no. 39/2008 of March 7, which established the legal framework for the installation, operation and functioning of tourist enterprises, as amended by Decree-Law no. 186/2015 of September 3.

Considering Ministerial Order no. 1320/2008, of November 17, which establishes the specific installation and operating requirements applicable to camping and caravanning sites.

Considering that the owner and operator of the campsite is Costa do Vizir Beach Village & SPA, Lda and that the purpose of these Regulations is to establish the rights and obligations of users of the campsite in relation to its use, which is intended for the practice of camping and caravanning, as well as other related events, in order to better serve its users on vacations or weekends or itinerant.

Considering that the access and operating rules are intended to provide the campsite with a guiding instrument for rules of conduct that must be observed and complied with by campers and caravanners and, in particular, to embody the responsibilities that are inherent in non-compliance with them.

Considering that the campsite’s internal regulations, drawn up on 01/01/2009, were out of date given the changes that had taken place at the campsite.

Therefore, in addition to the specifically applicable legal and regulatory provisions in force, the rules of these Internal Regulations and those established in the commercial agreements signed with users will also apply.

Amended on June 16, 2023, in order to adapt the respective rules to the reality of the campsite, of which the Sines City Council was informed.

Chapter I

Section I

General Provisions

Article 1

Name, scope and purpose

  1. The campsite is called “Costa do Vizir”, hereinafter referred to as the campsite.
  2. The park is intended for the practice of camping and caravanning in the form of vacations and weekends or itinerant camping, as well as other related events, in order to better serve its users.
  3. The complementary accommodation units (apartments and bungalows) are the delimited space intended for the exclusive and private use of the park’s users.

Article 2

Classification and Category

The park has a three-star rating and consists of two distinct areas, one for camping and caravanning, and the other for bungalows and apartments “complementary accommodation units”.

Article 3


The park has a limited capacity of 540 seats, subject to use and length of stay.

Article 4

Period of operation

The park is open to the general public all year round, unless otherwise determined by the management, legal or administrative imposition or in the event of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, in which case the information will be displayed visibly and made known to the general public.

Article 5

Reception and control opening hours

  1. Reception is open from June to September from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and after 8 p.m. reception services are transferred to the concierge.
  2. During the rest of the period (October to May), it is open from 9am to 12pm, 1pm to 6pm and after 6pm the reception services are transferred to the concierge.
  3. The reception’s normal working hours are displayed in a visible place near the park’s main entrance, as well as on the users’ access control wristbands.
  4. The period for registering and admitting users will only take place within the established hours.
  5. When leaving the “Costa do Vizir” park during the reception closing period, users must first pay for their stay in accordance with the terms set out below.

Article 6


  1. The park has the mandatory safety and security systems in place, and its staff have been instructed in the respective handling and prevention measures, as well as the procedures to be adopted in the event of an accident.
  2. The park guarantees the safety conditions to which it is obliged by law, namely through its concierge service.

Article 7

Campers’ responsibilities

  1. The park and its management decline all responsibility for personal accidents, damage, theft or fire to vehicles, equipment or any other objects belonging to users.
  2. The park also declines all responsibility for accidents, damage, theft or fire to objects belonging to users or visitors.
  3. Responsibility for these acts must always be attributed to the perpetrators or to the people duly authorized to accompany the minors.
  4. The park is not responsible for damage caused by bad weather, falling trees or any other damage caused by natural phenomena.

Article 8

General booking conditions

  1. Reservations will only be effective with the park’s acceptance.
  2. Reservations made more than 30 days before the date of the stay will only be considered accepted after receipt of advance payment of (25%) of the total amount of the reservation, which can be made up to 5 days after the reservation and after the park has accepted the conditions of sale.
  3. In the event of non-payment by the user of the deposit to accept the reservation at the time it is made or non-payment of the remaining amount of the booked stay, which must be paid no later than 30 days before the scheduled start date of the stay, in these cases the park has the right to cancel the reservation and as a result the complementary accommodation (apartment or bungalow) or the camping plot is free for sale.
  4. In the case of an accepted booking as provided for in paragraph 3 of this article, the park will send an e-mail to the user indicating the payment made and a summary of the services booked by the user.
  5. Reservations are only considered valid if the park validates and accepts them and they become binding.
  6. The acceptance or refusal of a reservation may, among other reasons, depend on the functionality, operability and actual availability of the accommodation (apartment or bungalow) or the camping plot and in general on all the circumstances that may affect the stay for the dates to which the reservation relates.
  7. The user is solely responsible for selecting the services and ensuring that they meet their needs, and the park cannot be held liable in this regard.
  8. The administrative process of booking accommodation and camping pitches is free of any additional cost to the user.
  9. The park cannot be held responsible for non-fulfilment or inadequate fulfilment of reservations in cases of fortuitous events or force majeure, unforeseeable or unavoidable actions by third parties or actions attributable to users.

Article 9

Changes to reservations

  1. Users can request changes to their stay by sending a request to the park by email or by telephone, subject to the availability and capacity of the available accommodation and camping pitches.
  2. The park does not accept changes to booking dates from one year to the next, unless the user compensates for the foreseeable price increase for the following year.
  3. If the change cannot be made, the user will have to stay under the original conditions of the reservation or cancel it in accordance with the reservation cancellation conditions or the reservation cancellation insurance.
  4. Any request to extend the duration of a stay will always be subject to availability and the prices in force at the time.
  5. Any request to reduce the length of stay is considered a partial cancellation and will be subject to the cancellation and interruption of stay rules.

Article 10

Interruption or shortening of stay

  1. If the stay is interrupted or shortened due to cancellation in cases of force majeure, the amounts paid by the user will be fully refunded.
  2. The occurrence of the situation referred to in the previous paragraph does not entitle the user to any indemnity, interest or any other compensation.
  3. If the stay is interrupted or shortened due to cancellation and for reasons attributable to the user, all requests for cancellation must be communicated by letter or e-mail to the park’s addresses.
  4. The park does not accept cancellations transmitted by telephone.
  5. Any full or partial cancellation of the booking period will result in the full or partial cancellation of the booking, in which case the accommodation or camping pitches will be fully or partially free for sale, in the latter case (partial cancellation) only during the respective period.
  6. In the event of full or partial cancellation of the reservation by the user, without having subscribed to the cancellation guarantee by the date of arrival at the park, for one of the following reasons:
  7. a) Closure of borders by administrative decision;
  8. b) Closure of the park;
  9. c) Limitation of journeys to a number of kilometers by administrative decision, not allowing the user to access the park, a voucher will be issued with a value corresponding to the total amount paid valid for two years.
  10. If the user refuses the voucher in the cases provided for in the previous paragraph, they will be reimbursed the amount corresponding to their request.
  11. If the installed user wishes to shorten the contracted stay, without a valid and duly proven reason, no amount will be refunded.

Article 11

Consequences of canceling reservations

  1. Users may ask the park to cancel their reservation, and the consequences of cancellation vary according to the period prior to the start of the stay.
  2. If the reservation is canceled on the (16th day) before the start of the stay:
  3. a) The amount paid by the user in advance as a deposit (25%) will be retained by the park as cancellation costs.
  4. b) Any other amounts paid by the user, less the amount paid as a deposit, will be refunded to the user.
  5. If the reservation is canceled between (15th day and 6th day) before the start of the stay, the park will withhold (30%) of the total amount of the stay as cancellation costs.
  6. If the reservation is canceled between (5th day and 0 days) before the start of the stay, the park will retain all amounts paid by the user.
  7. If the user makes a reservation but does not show up at the park on the date set for the start of their stay without having informed reception by letter or e-mail that they will not be entering the accommodation or camping pitch on the date set for the start of their stay, the reservation will be considered cancelled.
  8. The occurrence of the situation provided for in the previous paragraph means that the park may withhold all amounts paid by the user and, as a result, the accommodation or camping pitch will be free for sale.
  9. In the event of cancellation of the reservation by the user who has subscribed to reservation cancellation insurance, the amounts paid are covered by the guarantee in accordance with the general conditions for cancellation of reservations, in which case it is up to the user to apply for reimbursement from the insurance company.
  10. If the reason for canceling the reservation is not covered by the reservation cancellation insurance or if the insurer declines responsibility for payment, the amounts paid by the user to the park will not be refunded.

Article 12

Family stays in accommodation

  1. The park offers family stays in the traditional sense, as the complementary accommodation has been specially designed for this purpose.
  2. The park reserves the right to refuse any reservations that go against this principle or seek to circumvent it.

Article 13

Personal reservations

  1. Reservations for camping pitches and accommodation (bungalows or apartments) are personal and can under no circumstances be transferred to third parties, either free of charge or for a fee.
  2. All reservations made by third parties must be completed in the name of the user (holder of the stay).
  3. The user must confirm the veracity and accuracy of the information provided.

Article 14

Group bookings

  1. Any booking of more than four accommodations (bungalows/apartments) and/or camping pitches by the same or different individuals, even if they know each other and/or are traveling together for the same reasons, on the same dates of stay, are considered group bookings.
  2. The accommodation (bungalows/apartments) as well as the camping pitches in the park are exclusively for individual users.
  3. For all group booking requests it is necessary to contact the park by phone or e-mail.
  4. The park has the right to examine the reservation request before accepting or rejecting it.

Section II

General rules of use

Article 15

Period of silence

  1. The period of silence is between midnight and 7am.
  2. In the period of silence:
  3. a) It is not permitted to install material;
  4. b) Access to the respective installation areas is by foot only and vehicles are prohibited.
  5. If necessary, the gates to the park can be opened during the closure period.

Article 16

Pitches / camping plots and free camping area

  1. The park’s area of use for camping and caravanning is divided into suitable spaces, known as alveoli/camping plots and free camping areas.
  2. Camping pitches are camping sites or duly restricted areas that can be used by campers/caravanners.
  3. The free camping area is a space in the park where campers/caravanners are free to set up as long as their equipment complies with the general installation conditions.

Article 17

Occupation of pitches / camping plots and free camping area

  1. Campers or caravanners must always keep their pitches or camping pitches, as well as the free camping area where they stay, in perfect order and cleanliness, collaborating in the task of preserving the environment and refraining from disturbing the cleanliness of other pitches/camping pitches and public spaces in the park.
  2. With reasonable notice, the park services may decide to vacate any camping pitch/parcel, as well as to move the camper/caravan to another free camping space whenever circumstances of force majeure so require.
  3. The occurrence of the situation provided for in the previous paragraph implies, if possible, the relocation of the user to a camping pitch with similar characteristics.

Article 18

Specific accommodation conditions

  1. The park has an area for complementary accommodation (apartments and bungalows), fully equipped, of T1 and T2 typology, namely: (apartments) of T1 typology – capacity 2 people; (apartments) of T2 typology – capacity 4 people and (bungalows) of T2 typology – capacity 5 people.
  2. Occupancy by “extra persons” can only be made subject to the availability and capacity of the accommodation and only in cases where this service has been accepted by the park.
  3. The park has the right to refuse access to groups or families with more accompanying persons than the contracted accommodation capacity.
  4. When the keys are handed over, the user is shown the list of equipment on an inventory displayed in each room, as well as the general conditions of use.
  5. The accommodation must be returned by the user in the state of repair it was in and with all its functional equipment.
  6. On the last day of the stay, the list of equipment in the accommodation will be checked, as well as the state of repair of the accommodation and its equipment.

Article 19

Occupation and cleaning of accommodation

  1. On the day users enter the accommodation, the park services will ensure that it is cleaned.
  2. On all other days, users are responsible for keeping their accommodation in perfect order and cleanliness.
  3. On the seventh day of your stay, the park services will change the towels and sheets in your accommodation.

Section III

Admission to the Park

Article 20

Admission to the “Costa do Vizir” park

  1. Admission of any park user depends on authorization from the services, preceded at the time of entry by prior registration, presentation of the respective identification document and compliance with the other required procedures and implies acceptance of these regulations.
  2. The services will not accept any registrations once it has been ascertained that the park is fully booked.

Article 21

Admission requirements

  1. Use of the park requires prior identification and registration of users under the following conditions:
  2. a) National users, presentation of valid identification document (identity card/citizen’s card).
  3. b) Users from the EU (European Union) must present a valid identification document and, as an accessory, a camping card international (CCI) or other valid means of identification.
  4. c) Foreign users, presentation and registration of passport or other valid means of identification and accessory camping card international (CCI).
  5. Use of the park also requires prior identification and registration of visitors and minors under the following conditions:
  6. a) Visitors must present a valid identification document at the reception of the park and also comply with the requirements set out in article 22 of these regulations.
  7. b) Minors, provided they are duly identified and accompany the persons mentioned in article 23 of these regulations and are intended to occupy the respective pitches/camping plots, free camping area or complementary accommodation together with them.
  8. All entries by users, visitors and minors without exception must be registered by the park’s reception services.

Article 22


  1. For the purposes of these regulations, a visitor is anyone who is not equipped with camping/caravanning equipment or is not staying in complementary accommodation.
  2. Visitors can only enter the park during reception opening hours and when the following cumulative conditions are met:
  3. a) To be a full user when registering for the visit;
  4. b) Pay the price in accordance with the scale in force;
  5. c) If the visitor is not staying overnight in the park, they must leave it by the time the reception desk closes, according to the timetable displayed;
  6. d) Carry an access control bracelet or other equivalent means.
  7. If the visitor wishes to spend the night in the camper/caravan site of the holder being visited, they must inform reception and pay the price for the night in accordance with the price list in force.
  8. If the visitor wishes to stay overnight in the complementary accommodation (apartment/bungalow) of the guest, they must inform reception and pay the corresponding price per night, provided that the capacity limit of the respective accommodation is respected.
  9. Overnight visitors wishing to leave the park must do so as follows:
  10. a) Until 12 noon the following day, if you have stayed overnight in the camper’s/caravan’s accommodation; if you wish to stay, you will have to pay a new price for each additional day’s stay;
  11. b) Until 11 a.m. the following day, if you have stayed overnight in the supplementary accommodation; if you wish to stay, you will have to pay a new price for each additional day.
  12. The camper/caravan owner will always be responsible for the accommodation of visitors and must keep the respective registration forms and present them whenever requested by any duly identified park employee.
  13. Any disruption or damage caused by the visits will be the responsibility of the entitled user visited.
  14. If the visit does not comply with any of the provisions of these regulations, the park may be obliged to ask the visitor to leave the premises without any right to compensation and/or reimbursement of payments made.

Article 23

Admission of minors

  1. Minors under the age of eighteen will only be admitted when accompanied by their parents or other duly authorized adults who are responsible for them.
  2. The park may require relevant documentation identifying adults as parents or authorized persons.

Section IV

Condition of use of the park

Article 24

User registration

  1. At the time of admission, the park’s services will register each user, requesting the documentation referred to in article 21 of these regulations, information on the number of people accompanying them, as well as specifying all the material that makes up their campsite.
  2. After the initial registration of the user, the user is also obliged to register the entry of any other persons and material that make up their camp.

Article 25

Park entry and exit control sheets

  1. Upon admission, the user is given a registration form which is personal and non-transferable and which must always accompany them and be shown whenever requested by a duly identified park employee.
  2. The user and other people who are part of their camp, provided they are over 10 years old, will also be given an access control bracelet that allows them to enter and leave the park.
  3. Pedestrians can enter and exit at any time of the day or night.
  4. Users with a parking space in the car park can access and open the gates using a license plate reader that recognizes the vehicle’s license plate and allows it to enter and exit the car park.

Article 26

Admission of animals

  1. The admission of animals requires prior authorization from the park services, which must take into account the type of animal and hygiene and safety standards.
  2. Animals of breeds considered dangerous are not allowed.
  3. With prior authorization, certain animals (dogs, cats and birds) may be admitted, provided that they are kept on a leash or in their crate and accompanied by their owners.
  4. The animals referred to in the previous paragraph may only enter the park if the following conditions are met:
  5. a) Be registered by the park’s reception services;
  6. b) The corresponding health documents are presented, namely registration and vaccinations, duly updated and in legal form;
  7. c) Have up-to-date vaccinations and a microchip (compulsory for dogs born on or after July 1, 2008), registration and license, as well as ensuring that they are free of parasites and in good health;
  8. d) Be accompanied at all times by the user/owner or carer of the animal and kept on a leash;
  9. e) The animal’s waste is removed by the user/owner or caretaker to an appropriate place;
  10. f) Be fed in a suitable container in the user’s camping pitch or accommodation;
  11. g) Do not pose a danger to campers or staff.
  12. For hygiene reasons, animals are not allowed in common areas (changing rooms, reception, pool terrace, sports grounds, children’s playground, catering rooms and market).
  13. Animals may not be walked on purpose inside the park, except in the case of normal use of the park’s entrance and exit routes.
  14. The user/owner or carer of the animal is responsible for all material and personal damage caused by the action of the animal and agrees to assume the costs arising from any claims or damages relating to their pet in relation to the park, staff and other users.
  15. The park will request the immediate departure of any animal displaying dangerous or unacceptable behavior (biting, scratching, excessive barking, apparent illness, urination or defecation in public areas), without any reduction in the value of the animal’s (or owners’) stay for the days not elapsed;
  16. It is strictly forbidden to feed any kind of stray animal that is foreign to the park or that is not in the campers’ possession.

Article 27

Entry, circulation, parking and loading of vehicles

  1. Only vehicles belonging to users admitted to the park are allowed access.
  2. The user must observe the following rules:
  3. a) Have your vehicle’s license plate registered at the car park reception;
  4. b) Park your vehicle in the space reserved for it.
  5. Users and their families are never allowed to access and park more than one vehicle, unless there is availability and it is authorized by the park’s reception services.
  6. With regard to the circulation and parking of vehicles within the park’s facilities, drivers are obliged to comply with the following provisions:
  7. a) Do not exceed a speed of 20 km/hour;
  8. b) Comply with existing signage;
  9. c) Don’t honk
  10. d) No repairs and/or tuning of vehicles inside the park;
  11. e) Do not wash;
  12. f) Do not circulate inside the park, except to enter or leave it;
  13. g) Do not park on streets in such a way as to hinder traffic, do not stop in places that hinder free movement, and do not stop at fire hydrants and electricity distribution boxes in such a way as to hinder access to them;
  14. h) Do not impede access to the facilities or other users’ alleyways, nor are you allowed to park in the reception hall, except to check in or check out;
  15. i) Do not circulate inside the park, except to enter or leave it.
  16. Vehicles are not allowed inside the park during the quiet period, except in cases of urgent need.
  17. Parking inside the parking lot that is frustrated during the period referred to in paragraph 5 of this article does not give rise to the refund of the amount paid or the non-payment of the daily price due.
  18. The circulation of vehicles with or without motors, namely bicycles and motorcycles, is restricted and may be prohibited whenever circumstances so dictate.
  19. Non-motorized bicycles are allowed inside the park only as a means of travel between the user’s premises and the park exit or the park entrance and the user’s premises. Bicycles are no longer allowed in the park for recreational purposes. Bicycle rides in the park, either in groups or individually, are forbidden.
  20. Whenever the number of vehicles exceeds the car park’s capacity, entry is prohibited for safety reasons.
  21. Accidents involving vehicles within the park’s facilities will be dealt with by the parties involved in accordance with the provisions of the highway code and other applicable legislation.
  22. In any case, accidents involving users are their sole and exclusive responsibility or, if they are minors, the responsibility of their guardians.
  23. It is strictly forbidden to charge any electric vehicle at the sockets in the alveoli and complementary lodgings, with the exception of the sockets marked for this purpose in a specific place in the park, upon payment of the price according to the scale in force.

Article 28

Refusal or ban on registration

Without prejudice to cases of obvious violation of the legal duties of campers and violation of the provisions of these regulations, the services may refuse or withdraw the registration of those who, in particular:

  1. a) Have their entry suspended or prohibited as a result of their behavior in previous use of this park or are on the lists of the Portuguese Camping Federation, Private Parks and Municipal Parks;
  2. b) Are indebted to the park in any way;
  3. c) Are under 18 years of age unaccompanied by an adult outside the conditions set out in articles 21 and 23 of these regulations;
  4. d) Indicate drunkenness or the consumption of psychotropic substances or assume attitudes incompatible with the practice of camping or caravanning;
  5. e) The camping or caravanning facilities are in a poor state of repair, or when the facilities are insufficient for the number of users provided for them;
  6. f) Carry or use weapons of any kind;
  7. g) Are carriers of contagious diseases or exposed lesions likely to affect the health of those around them.

Article 29

Check-in and check-out

  1. Check-in for campers and caravanners runs from 08:00 to 23:00 and check-out until 12:00 on the day of departure.
  2. For complementary accommodation (apartments and bungalows), the time of admission is from 17:00 to 23:00, with the exception provided for in the following paragraph, and the time of check-out is until 11:00 on the day of departure.
  3. Admission to complementary accommodation (apartments and bungalows) after 7pm requires advance confirmation by the user by calling the park reception.

Article 30

Price of services

  1. The prices to be charged will be those set out in the table in force, which is displayed at the park reception and on the “Costa do Vizir” website.
  2. The prices in the table of fees in force at the park are considered to be fixed per day of use, with days being counted by the number of nights spent in the park, and no fee may be charged for less than one day’s use.
  3. The prices referred to in paragraph one will be updated annually or whenever justified by the park.

Article 31

Payment terms

  1. All reservations made at the park, whose stay does not involve the user entering the pitches / camping pitches, free camping area or complementary accommodation within (30 days) of the reservation date and in order for the reservation to be guaranteed, the user must pay (25 %) of the total amount of the reservation at the time of booking, which must be paid within 5 days of the reservation.
  2. The remaining amount of the booked stay must be paid no later than 30 days before the start date of the stay in the park.
  3. For reservations made less than (30 days) before the start of the stay and in order for it to be validated and confirmed, the user must pay the full amount of the stay at the time of booking.
  4. In all other cases, payment for the use of the car park must be made at check-in.
  5. Users of complementary accommodation will also be asked to pay a deposit of €200.00 at check-in (paid in cash or by credit card), which will be returned when they check out, unless there is damage to the accommodation or equipment, as provided for in Article 18(5) and (6) of these regulations.

Article 32

Check-out – procedures and responsibilities

  1. Users of complementary accommodation (apartments and bungalows) must leave the park by 11 a.m. on the day of departure, under penalty of the following penalties:
  2. a) If the user checks out after the scheduled time and this has not been previously agreed with the park, the park has the right to charge an additional day at the price in force.
  3. b) Without prejudice to what is stated in the previous paragraph of this article, the user will also be obliged to pay any compensation that the park has to spend as a result of the next user being unable to settle in the respective complementary accommodation.
  4. If the deposit referred to in paragraph 5 of the previous article proves insufficient to cover the damage, the park has the right to demand additional compensation from the user to cover all the actual damage.

Article 33

Unoccupied material remains

Unoccupied camping and caravanning equipment may not be left inside the park, except in duly justified emergency situations, in which case users may leave the park for up to 48 hours, upon payment of the price according to the scale in force.

Article 34


Whenever deemed appropriate, those responsible for the park may determine:

  1. a) The restriction of use and length of stay in certain areas of the campsite;
  2. b) The specific location of areas for parking vehicles, setting up tents or caravans.

Chapter II

Section I

Users’ rights and duties

Article 35

Users’ rights

  1. 1. Users of the campsite have the following rights:
  2. a) Use their facilities and common services in accordance with the provisions of these regulations and other applicable legislation;
  3. b) To know in advance the price of the services for using the park and the other facilities that are part of it, in accordance with the tables displayed at reception, as well as on the “Costa do Vizir” park website;
  4. c) Require proof of all payments made;
  5. d) Require the park regulations to be presented for consultation;
  6. e) Justifiably demanding the presentation and use of the complaints book;
  7. f) They are guaranteed the necessary privacy in any of the modes of use;
  8. Users wishing to submit a complaint should indicate their full name, contact details and ID number.

Article 36

Duties of users

These are, among the others already provided for, the users’ duties:

  1. a) Comply with the authority of those responsible for the operation of the park, including employees, when carrying out their duties, in or around the park;
  2. b) Present any identification documents and registration forms requested at the park’s reception;
  3. c) Comply with the hygiene and safety rules adopted in the park, especially those relating to the disposal of garbage, waste water and the washing and drying of clothes, making use of the existing bins and “ecopoints” located in the park;
  4. d) Dump the chemical cassettes from trailers and motorhomes in the appropriate place;
  5. e) Dispose of gray water (water from sinks, showers, etc.) at the appropriate service station;
  6. f) Keep the respective camping space and the equipment installed therein in a good state of repair, hygiene and cleanliness;
  7. g) Refraining from any acts that may disturb other users, in particular using loudspeakers during the quiet period;
  8. h) Install their equipment in such a way as not to disturb other users;
  9. i) Comply with the park’s signs and the instructions given by the staff regarding the circulation and parking of vehicles, as well as the installation and maintenance of camping equipment;
  10. j) Do not park any vehicles or place equipment on internal circulation routes that make it impossible or difficult for vehicles to pass, especially emergency or rescue vehicles;
  11. k) Report to reception any act by park users that violates the provisions of these regulations, in particular when it harms other users or their material or the park’s own material;
  12. l) Pay the price of the services used according to the price list in force;
  13. m) Compensate the park and other users for any damage caused to it;
  14. n) Do not light fires, except in designated areas, and comply with other safety rules against any risks, particularly fire;
  15. o) Treat park staff and other users with courtesy and politeness.

Section II


Article 37

Special prohibitions

  1. It is off-limits to park users:
  2. a) Disturbing the silence between midnight and 7 a.m. by any means;
  3. b) Destroying or damaging trees and other vegetation or other park property;
  4. c) Transposing or destroying park fences;
  5. d) Set fires, except in duly authorized places;
  6. e) Abandoning stoves or burning equipment in operation;
  7. f) Playing games by throwing a ball or other instruments outside the field of play;
  8. g) Carrying or using any type of weapon;
  9. h) Install tents or caravans within 2 meters of other camping facilities, or outside the pitch they occupy;
  10. i) Leaving taps open or contributing in any way to damage to pipes or other installations;
  11. j) Building or erecting any type of fence, fixed installations or awnings around or inside the camping pitch/parcel that are not part of the camping or caravanning facilities;
  12. k) Use the park’s facilities for express or implied residential purposes, or improvise decorative or utilitarian arrangements in these facilities;
  13. l) Installing suspension beds or other permanent and fixed equipment;
  14. m) Putting solid waste outside the containers intended for that purpose, as well as leaving garbage on the ground or outside the appropriate places;
  15. n) Washing or laying out clothes outside their proper place and making clotheslines;
  16. o) Leaving lamps, stoves or other appliances on overnight;
  17. p) Remaining in the park in a notorious state of drunkenness or under the influence of any type of psychotropic substance;
  18. q) Leave the place where it was installed dirty;
  19. r) Tying ropes, wires or other material to trees for any purpose, in particular to create partitions;
  20. s) Leave garbage bags outside near the garbage cans;
  21. Users are also prohibited from
  22. a) Engage in any form of commercial activity, even sporadic;
  23. b) To make political, commercial or religious propaganda, or to affix any writing or drawing without authorization from the park manager;
  24. c) Making subscriptions, requests or sales without authorization from the park manager;
  25. d) Bringing people into the park outside the cases provided for in these regulations.

Section III


Article 38

Responsibility of the owners

It is the responsibility of the parents of minor users or other duly authorized adults to instruct them and their household on the rules contained in these regulations, in particular on hygiene, use of the changing rooms, quiet hours, respect for other users and protection of the park’s physical and natural heritage.

Chapter III

Section I


Article 39

Electricity connection and supply

  1. 1. All the boxes in the park for connecting electricity are protected, with each socket supporting a current output of between 6 and 16 amperes (220 volts).
  2. The park may cut off the electricity supply in the event of thunderstorms or storms or when unforeseeable conditions arise that may affect the safe operation of the facilities, and the park cannot be held responsible for any losses arising from this.
  3. The electricity supply may be conditioned or suspended for reasons arising from breakdowns or disturbances in the public power distribution network, and the park cannot be held responsible for these events.
  4. The electricity supply is included in the price previously agreed with the user for each stay.

Article 40

Situations not allowed

Users are expressly prohibited from:

  1. a) Make electrical connections without the cables and other material being appropriate and properly protected;
  2. b) Make connections to trees or other places that could interfere with the aesthetics and good organization of the park;
  3. c) Place lamps or spotlights outside their premises;
  4. d) Use the electric current for appliances with high consumption or considered unnecessary for good camping practice;
  5. e) Giving away electric current in any way to other users or for purposes that are not suitable for its normal use;
  6. f) Appropriating other outlet(s) without authorization;
  7. g) Exchange, swap or use socket(s) other than the one assigned to them;
  8. h) Access common switchboards and electrical equipment in any way.

Section II


Article 41


  1. The commission of any of the infractions provided for in the previous article makes the user liable to pay compensation for the damage incurred.
  2. Users are also responsible for breakdowns in the park caused by the poor condition of their electrical equipment.
  3. Any accident of a personal or material nature is the sole responsibility of the user of the electrical installation.

Section III

Use of gas

Article 42


  1. Users are required to take the utmost care when using the gas.
  2. Users can only use bottles of up to 6 kg.
  3. Bottles should be stored away from the sun and turned off at the end of each use.
  4. Any accident caused by the use of gas in the park is the sole responsibility of the user.

Chapter IV

Section I

Found objects and abandoned material

Article 43

Found objects

  1. Any objects found in the park must be handed in at reception.
  2. For the purposes of the previous paragraph, the name of the person who found them and the name of the owner of the objects shall be recorded in the appropriate book when they are returned.

Article 44

Abandoned material

Material is considered abandoned when one or more of the following situations occur:

  1. a) Is not properly identified;
  2. b) Keeping unoccupied camping and caravanning equipment inside the park in violation of the provisions of article 33 of these regulations.

Section II

Removal, payment of costs and loss of material

Article 45

Removal and deposit of abandoned material

  1. Abandoned material and any material that does not comply with the provisions of these regulations will be collected by the park services.
  2. The entity responsible for the park is not responsible for any damage caused by the removal and displacement of abandoned material.
  3. The removed material will be returned after payment of the removal, travel and storage costs.
  4. When the owner of the abandoned material is known, he/she will be notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to pay the costs inherent in the procedures for abandoning the material.

Article 46

Loss of material

  1. The removed material is kept for a maximum of 30 days from the date of receipt of the letter referred to in the previous article.
  2. At the end of the period mentioned in the previous paragraph, the abandoned material will be made available to the campsite.
  3. The park will also have at its disposal all abandoned equipment that has been stored for more than two months, of which the owner is unknown or of which, having been sent a letter under the terms of paragraph 4 of the previous article, the respective acknowledgement of receipt has not been returned or the letter has not been collected within the period laid down in the postal services regulations.

Chapter V

Section I

Equipment for common use

Article 47

Installation and service

The campsite has facilities and services:

  1. a) Reception and concierge;
  2. b) Minimarket;
  3. c) Barbecues;
  4. d) Dishwashers and laundry tanks;
  5. e) Laundry (washing machines and dryers);
  6. f) Sanitary facilities;
  7. g) Solid waste containers and ecopoints;
  8. h) Aid station;
  9. i) Children’s playground;
  10. j) Playing field;
  11. k) Caravan/ motorhome service station;
  12. l) Restaurant;
  13. m) Swimming pool.

Article 48

Reception and concierge

  1. The park reception is responsible for providing the following services:
  2. a) Keeping track of users’ entries and exits;
  3. b) Receive, store and deliver correspondence to users, as well as objects intended for them;
  4. c) Providing users with information on the operation of the park, in particular on the services it provides and its private operating rules;
  5. d) To provide other services related to the support and stay of users.
  6. Strangers are not allowed to enter and/or stay in the park’s reception area, except during the normal course of the activities referred to in the previous paragraph.
  7. The rules on the opening hours of reception, concierge and control are set out in Article 5 of these regulations.

Article 49


The Minimarket operates in accordance with the rules and opening hours set out therein.

Article 50


  1. The barbecues in the park are designed to help users cook grilled food.
  2. In order to ensure the proper functioning of the barbecues, users must observe the following rules:
  3. a) On a first-come, first-served basis;
  4. b) Leave the area clean after use;
  5. c) Leave the surrounding area clean, without any waste, objects or ashes.

Article 51

Dishwashers and laundry tanks

  1. Dishwashers and laundry tanks are used freely by users for their own purposes.
  2. In order to ensure that dishwashers and laundry tanks work properly, users must observe the following rules:
  3. a) On a first-come, first-served basis;
  4. b) Leave them clean and in a condition where they can be used.
  5. The park is not responsible for any shortages or changes of clothing or other utensils that may occur.

Article 52


  1. There are self-service washing machines and dryers to ensure greater support and convenience for users.
  2. The fee to be paid, the opening hours and how to use the service are displayed on the respective premises.
  3. The park cannot be held responsible for any damage, missing or changed clothing that may occur.

Article 53

Sanitary facilities

  1. Sanitary facilities (toilet blocks) must be used with the necessary respect for other users, the hygiene/sanitary and civic rules that are essential in this type of facility, and water and energy must be used sparingly to avoid unnecessary consumption or waste.
  2. Toilet facilities must be left clean and in perfect hygienic condition after use.
  3. The toilets for disabled users are for their exclusive use.

Article 54

Solid waste containers and recycling bins

  1. The solid waste containers and ecopoints are intended to be used to deposit waste generated by users of the park’s facilities.
  2. Waste should be deposited in the recycling bins as follows:
  3. a) The yellow recycling bin is for the collection of plastics and metals (bottles, bags, jars, glasses, packets and cans of drinks and preserves);
  4. b) The blue recycling bin is for the collection of paper and cardboard (newspapers, magazines, writing and printing paper, cardboard boxes and paper bags);
  5. c) The green recycling bin is for the collection of glass (wine, water, juice and olive oil bottles, glass jars and jugs);
  6. It is forbidden to deposit waste outside, either in the solid waste containers or in the ecopoints provided for this purpose.

Article 55

Aid station

  1. The Aid Station is equipped with first-aid equipment that is made available to users in the event of an accident.
  2. As a legal imperative, the Aid Station does not have any medicines to give to users, nor can it be used to provide any medical or nursing services.

Article 56

Children’s playground

  1. A playground is a physically delimited space or area for children’s play activities, where psychomotor activities are particularly important.
  2. Children up to and including the age of 12 are only allowed to use this space if accompanied by an adult.
  3. The campsite declines all responsibility for accidents that occur while using the playground, provided that they are not directly caused by deficiencies in the equipment installed therein.

Article 57

Sports facilities

  1. The sports arena is a dedicated space for sports, recreation and play.
  2. The park declines all responsibility for accidents occurring during use of the site.

Article 58

Service station for caravans and motorhomes

The service station for caravans and motorhomes is a small space with the following purposes:

  1. a) Easily accessible by caravans and motorhomes, in particular not requiring driving maneuvers;
  2. b) A drainage grate ready to receive soapy water from the sink and shower tanks of caravans and motorhomes, duly connected to the sewage system;
  3. c) The conditions for disposing of the toilet-chemical cassettes, ensuring their proper treatment in accordance with the existing sanitation network.
  4. d) Two conveniently spaced water outlets, one for use in cleaning the drainage grate and toilet cassettes and the other for supplying drinking water to caravans and motorhomes.
  5. e) Waste storage containers.

Article 59


The park has a restaurant with a terrace serving meals at times to be determined by the management, the information about which will be displayed visibly in the park and made known to the general public.

Article 60

Swimming pool

  1. The swimming pool is an area for recreational water activities.
  2. The quality of the water, its treatment and use comply with the standards applicable under Portuguese law.
  3. The applicable rules and regulations are posted at the entrance to this area, and any comments made by the official in charge of the area must be heeded.
  4. Children are only allowed in the pool under the supervision of an adult.
  5. The park does not guarantee the permanent presence of security guards or lifeguards at the pool. In any case, whenever the site is not guarded, the following information will be posted at the entrance to the facility in a clearly visible manner: “POOL NOT PERMANENTLY SURVEILLED”.

Section II

Park staff

Article 61

Skills of park staff

Park staff are responsible for:

  1. a) Ensure that the park is properly run and maintained;
  2. b) Report any anomalies;
  3. c) Registering users who use the park in accordance with the provisions of these regulations;
  4. d) To provide users with all the tourist and general information they request;
  5. e) Receive from users the amounts due for use of the park, as set out in the schedule in force.

Chapter VI

Section I

Facility conditions

Article 62

General conditions

The installation of infrastructures and, in general, all the necessary equipment must be carried out in such a way that no noise, vibrations, fumes or smells are produced that could disturb or in any way affect the park’s atmosphere and the tranquillity and safety of users.

Section II

Liability Insurance

Article 63


  1. All materials to be installed in the park must be covered by civil liability insurance, under the terms of the respective policy.
  2. For the purposes of the previous paragraph, the camper’s insurance must insure the objects that make up all the camping equipment belonging to the user/insured, described in the particular conditions of the policy, during their stay in the park.
  3. The insurance referred to in paragraph one of this article must also cover the pecuniary reparations legally due to the user/insured on the grounds of non-contractual civil liability arising from bodily and/or material injuries caused to third parties by them or by the people who make up their household during their stay in the park.

Chapter VII

Miscellaneous Provisions

Article 64

Refusal to stay in the park

  1. Users may be refused entry to the park if they fail to comply with the provisions of these internal regulations and all the rules, particularly the technical ones that form an integral part of them, as well as all the applicable legal and regulatory provisions.
  2. A refusal to stay in the park under the terms of the previous paragraph may constitute a refusal of future admission, provided it is duly substantiated.

Article 65

Missing cases

Any omissions will be resolved by the park’s management, in compliance with these regulations and the legal provisions in force.


José António Costa